Monday 23 August 2010

Lush: Think Pink Review

 Hey guys!
Here is my review on the Think Pink Ballistic by Lush :)
Some piccies:
When I'd put it in about a minute I suppose?
I was amazed at how quickly the colour spread, and as you'll see it was a very bright colour, not like a diluted pink or anything :)
All the colour had spread, and there's a little white daisy at the bottom (what looks like popcorn, lol!)
I was impressed with the strength of the smell, it was really strong! And I had a nice surprise with these:

Little heart confetti! And they didn't melt or anything! In fact I had to wash them all out of my bath after! Hehe :)
- The colour was very strong, and didn't look diluted (unlike the pictures portray it)
- It smelt beautiful and made the bathroom smell amazzzzing, and my skin!
-The little surprise of heart bath confetti! I don't know if I knew about it and forgot or just didn't know about it, lol!
- The little daisy floating on the bath water (although I kinda killed it because it folded up so I tried to unfold it and it like disintegrated :/)
- I don't really know why, but as soon as I put this ballistic in, it instantly made me feel on top of the world. I wasn't in a bad mood or anything but it just filled me with excitement, so that is a rather big pro for me :D
-Price was definitely attractive!
- The colour wasn't exactly thick, if that makes sense? I think it would of looked better if it made the water a little more cremey (although, this sorta happened when I washed my hair etc)
- It left a pink rim around my bath, which I had to clean, (but it was so worth it!)

All in all, I think this is a must buy! I would definitely buy more if my Lush wasn't closed for refurb! -sob-
My bath was relaxing, and I just spent ages staring at my toes LOL! I really did love this, and it's comes close to the Ma Bar bubble bar!
It was girly (I'm not exactly the most girly person) but I still enjoyed it and it made me feel genuinely happy, I'm so glad that I bought it. So I think you should all toooooo! GOGOGOGOGO.

Think Pink Ballistic: £2.30
And you can find it here.
I hope you all liked this post, I wrote it mainly because;
1. I need to take my mind off of my appalling results that I'll be receiving tomorrow
2. I havn't posted anything proper in a while.
So I hope you enjoyed it, and I would lurrrrrrrve feedback pleasems.
Love love xo.


  1. England (L) WOWWWWWW

    we are three friends from Spain, maybe someday we could met us. ( Sorry 4 the english hahaha )

    we love ebay too, in it i buy t-shirt famous, vans, Dc.... :) Xoxoo!!!

  2. thanks for the comment!
    Don't worry about your english, it's fine :) xo.
