Friday, 6 August 2010

Lush: Ma Bar Review

Hey, I've just got out of the bath, after trying out the Ma Bar bubble bar from Lush. I only used a bout 1/2 or 1/3 of both the bar and the little sugar cube. And I had to admit, that is the best bath I have ever had (except for the daddy long legs on the ceiling crawling towards me, eek!)
The bath water was so silky.. Sooooo unlike the bath water we usually have, as I live in a hard water area, and even bubble bath doesn't seem to tackle it.. and look at the amount of bubbles! That's with using barely any of the bar, it was really suprising!

- The smell of the bath water was like, chocolate toffee, it was faint, but that was probably because I used little of the product.
-The amount of bubbles, imagine how it would of been if I had put the whole thing in, lol! It would be like bubble works at chessington :D . As I didn't take this picture in the bath (that would be a tad weird) it doesn't really show the proper amount of bubbles like it would if you were actually in it, I don't know if that makes sense or not, lol!
-It has left my skin feeling amazingly smooth and touchable and smelling beautiful.

-The bath water is a bit of a yucky colour as you can see, I didn't really get put off by it, but I could imagine some people might.
- You really have to crumble up the bar, other wise it doesn't really dissolve properly and you get sort of sludgy bits in the bottom of the bath, although if you swish it around, they do dissolve properly :)

So, to me, it is one of the best bath products I have ever tried, I can't wait to use the other half, hehe. Even if there are cons, they are rather feeble ones. I really did love this bath, I can't stress it enough, although dad thought it looked like mud, lol! However, you really must try it out. The scent lingers on your skin and it smells beautiful. It's also worth while knowing that you don't really have to use it all in one go, so it lasts. :)

Did you like this review? Want me to do reviews on anything in particular? Let me know
Thanks for the feedback :)

Click here to see the Ma Bar in the Lush online store



  1. I have one of these which I haven't used yet but you've made me really want to try it!

  2. :D oh you must! The scent stayed on my skin for a good few hours after, and my mum smokes so it just goes to show! :)
    Thanks for the feedback!

  3. mmm chocolate scented bath water sounds lovely. Its a really good review too, thanks :) x

  4. thank you :) I'm glad you like it. Anything else you want me to review or put on my blog? Thanks again xo.
